Training Course: Designing and conduction health system research project – IDRC/ WHO

Training Course: Designing and conduction health system research project – IDRC/ WHO

Organization: IDRC / WHO

Year: 2003


  • a course for learning how to design and conduct health system research (designed as a full-time workshop for 2 weeks, however modules can be used in a flexible way
  • for mid- and higher- level managers, health workers and health-related staff, as well as interested researchers
  • method: “learning by doing


Volume 1 (2003): “Proposal development and fieldwork”, contains 20 modules: includes all the steps in developing a research protocol (from selection of the research problem up to the utilization of results); guide for fieldwork and preliminary data analysis. 

Volume 2 (2003): “Data analysis and report writing”, consists of 13 modules: description of variables, measurement of association, significance tests and report writing; guidelines for the planning and management of HSR workshops and the supervision of fieldwork 
