Course on operational research – The Union / MSF

Course on operational research – The Union / MSF

Organization: The Union (International Union against TB and Lung Disease) / MSF

Year: 2012

Training and Capacity Building for Operational Research:


  • To build capacity in operational research by product-orientated training
  • To maintain and increase the number of operational research fellows
  • To establish a global network of research alumni
  • To undertake, write up, submit and publish research and viewpoint papers
  • To demonstrate how research can impact on policy and practice, improve outcomes and reduce morbidity and mortality
  • To develop and maintain the administration unit of the Centre for Operational  Research at The Union and MSF

Content / Milestones of the course:

  • Three five days module courses over a period of nine months
  • Within two weeks of completing Module 2, participants must submit a) their final protocol, b) their completed ethics form and c) their completed electronic data collection tool to the course coordinators.
  • Within two months before the start of Module 3, participants must submit evidence of their data collection to course coordinators.
  • Within four weeks of completing Module 3, participants must submit their final paper to the selected peer-review journal and provide the course coordinators with the journal’s letter acknowledging receipt of submission